PromiseController source
Provides bindable properties for the state of a promise
A promise does not have bindable properties. This controller tracks the state of a promise with bindable properties so you can create a substitution that binds the viewed component with the state of the promise.
- "pending" with "progress"
when in the pending state, bind the substituted component to the progress value, which is null when indeterminate or a 0-1 value when determinate. Most promises are indeterminate due to the complexities of composing progress information into meaningful data.
- "fulfilled" with "value"
when in the fulfilled state, bind the substituted component to the value.
- "rejected" with "error"
when in the rejected state, bind the substituted component to the given error, if you can surface that error to the user.
- "state" (one of "pending", "fulfilled", or "rejected")
suitable for substitutions that will always render an indeterminate progress in the "pending" state.
- "progressState" (one of "determinate", "indeterminate", "fuilfilled", "rejected")
suitable for substitutions that provide alternative view for determinate and indeterminate progress.
Generated from v0.14.14